Industrial metal roof

5 Common Causes of Metal Roof Leaks & Repair Options

Few roofing materials match the strength, performance, and longevity of metal roofing. Despite…

Single-Ply Roofing: The Quick Guide

Single-ply roofing systems consist of a single layer and are designed for low-slope roofs. Most…

Industrial roof with sun flare

10 Types of Industrial Roofing & Their Benefits

Industrial roofing tends to take a beating beyond normal wear and tear. Chemicals, residues, and…

Rolls of modified bitumen roofing

Modified Bitumen Roofing: The Complete Guide

Over the past 50 years, modified bitumen roofing has changed from a novel experiment to one of the…

Underneath view of large warehouse roofing system

The 5 Most Common Types of Warehouse Roofing

From an investment standpoint, a warehouse roofing system is an invaluable asset. It protects the…

Polyurea coating with silicone top coat on commercial flat roof

Polyurea Coating: The Complete Guide

Polyurea is an incredibly versatile coating material with numerous commercial, industrial, and…

tpo vs epdm side by side picture

Single-Ply Showdown: TPO vs EPDM Roofing

TPO and EPDM are two of the most common materials used in modern commercial roofing. Both are…

Shipping containers being unloaded at shipyard

Supply Chain Update: May 2022

Over the course of 2021, we have been sending updates to our customers and colleagues regarding the…

White liquid roof coating

What Is Liquid Roofing, How Does It Work?

Liquid roofing (aka fluid-applied roofing) is an effective method for waterproofing and protecting…

Dry butyl coating sample being stretched to show elongation qualities

The Pros and Cons of Butyl Roof Coating

Butyl roof coatings—also known as “butyl rubber” or “butyl rubber roofing”—are elastomeric liquid…

EDPM roofing membrane on commercial building

EPDM “Rubber” Roofing: The Complete Guide

EPDM roofing systems are quite common on commercial and industrial buildings. In fact, until…

Large industrial building with TPO roofing system

The Ultimate Guide to TPO Roofing

TPO roofing systems are an extremely popular choice for commercial and industrial buildings. TPO is…

Silicone vs acrylic roof coating blog post header image

Silicone vs Acrylic Roof Coating: Which Is Better?

As a manufacturer of both silicone and acrylic roof coatings, we know the advantages and…

Commercial roofers working on large metal roof

Tips for Hiring Commercial Roofing Contractors

For many facility managers and property owners, hiring the right commercial roofing contractor may…

Roofing contractor applying silicone top coat to fast food industry roof

The Roof Restoration Solution for the Fast Food Industry

For this leaking fast food industry roof, the Ure-A-SIl flat roof restoration system performs even…

Commercial Roofing Systems: How They Compare

Researching commercial roofing problems and their solutions can be quite overwhelming. To help with…

Spray foam roofing contractor installing SPF on a commercial flat roof

Spray Foam Roofing: The Complete Guide

When it comes to longevity and performance, few commercial roofing materials are more impressive…

Silicone 412 top coat over SPF metal roof

Foam-Gard Brought This Degraded Metal Roof Back to Life

In this case study, we discuss restoring a "Frankenstein" degraded metal roof using the Foam-Gard…